Free CrossFit Class
*This page is for prospective members looking to try CrossFit for the first time. If you are a Drop-In from out of town please click HERE
Free Trial Class
Are you interested in trying your first class at Champlain Valley Community Fitness? Great! We’d love to have you join us. Currently you are able to come try out a class at whatever time best fits your schedule. We have two general class structures, “Strength and Conditioning” and “Breathe.” In addition we also offer a have “Open Gym” specific time slots for athletes to do whatever they want. The Free Trial link below will allow you to sign-up for either.
- Strength and Conditioning: These classes are our bread and butter, what fill the majority of our schedule, these classes are typically made up of some strength/accessory/PT oriented work along with a short, high-intensity CrossFit style conditioning workout. These classes will show in blue on our CrossFit schedule.
- Breathe: While our Strength and Conditioning classes are typically split with about 60-70% of the time being focus on developing strength and full body structural integrity, with the rest of the time being focused on high effort conditioning, our “Breathe” classes are focused on longer, sustained conditioning efforts with a focus on developing a more robust aerobic base and getting a longer sweat session. You can find these classes in Red on our schedule HERE.
- Open Gym: We offer a few time slots/week that are specifically Open Gym, meaning come and do what you want (we also offer this in our secondary space during all of our normal class times). These training blocks are staffed with a coach to oversee the facility and help athletes that are looking for specific help, otherwise think of these training blocks being how your normal everyday globo gym functions. You can find these classes in Green on our schedule HERE.
To sign-up for any of the above classes please click the link HERE.
* Please be mindful during this time if you’re looking to try a class at CVCF you will need to confirm the following…
- You will be responsible for wiping down and cleaning any of the equipment you used before exiting the building.
- Upon signing-up at the link below, please wait for the page it refreshes to so you can sign-up for your class. Please be mindful class registration opens 24 hours before the given class so you will not be able to sign-up for a class a week in advance.
Your other option is to sign-up and attend one of our specialty “Bring a Friend” days. You don’t actually need to know someone at our CrossFit gym to attend, these are just specific classes set up to have prospective athletes come in, along with a social gathering afterward. You can sign-up for any of these at the direct links below. These links will work only with the specific class that they are linked to (If you could please check yourself into the session in our client management system when you fill out the sign-up link that would be most appreciated. These events won’t go live on our calendar until 4 weeks before the event, these sessions are typically only in the warmer months May-October). Currently, we have on the schedule…
- We currently have no “Bring-a-Friend” sessions scheduled.
If you’re interested in signing up to become a member at Champlain Valley CrossFit so you can partake in any and all of our classes please click the link HERE to learn more about how to join CVCF.