1) Hatch Cycle – Week 9 – Day 2:

Back Squat: 1×5 @ 65%, 3×5 @ 75%

Front Squat: 4×5 @ 65%

Warm-up as needed then upon starting rest no more than 90 seconds between each set of squats including the transition from Back Squat to Front Squat.

2) AQAP:
400m Run
Shoulder-to-Overhead 135/95
400m Run

Extra Work:

3) L-Sit: Accumulate 2 minutes

This should be done in the rings. Take as many attempts as needed to accumulate 2 minutes in the L-sit position.

4) Kettlebell Sots Press: 3×10/side

Rest 90 seconds between sets. Adjust weight each set as needed.

For this you will stay in the bottom for all 10 reps

For results post weight of each set of Squats along with time to complete Met-con along with any scaling used. If you did Extra Work post number of attempts to accumulate 2 minute L-sit hold, and weight for each set of Sots Press.

Post results/thoughts to comments

What fuels you
– Jade