Champlain Valley CrossFit: Saturday, September 15th, 2012
Sport, Uncategorized
1) “Fight Gone Bad”- 3 rounds for total Reps:
1 minute Wall Ball 20/14
1 minute Sumo Deadlift High-pull 75/53
1 minute Box Jumps 20/18
1 minute Push Press 75/53
1 minute Row for Calories
1 minute Rest
Given that this is a Benchmark workout and has a leader board we will be paying extra close attention to making sure you guys are completing clean reps. If you want your name/score on the leader board make sure you reps are clean. For the Box Jumps you will need to use a “Games” standard, which will be standing up on top of the box. Standards for the other movements should be self explanatory.
Old video of Glassman talking about FGB…for those who haven’t done it before don’t miss out, it’s an awesome workout
Extra Work:
2) Sled Drag: 400m
Heavier than last time. This should be done West Side Style, heel to toe, really concentrating on driving through the heel and using the Posterior Chain. The goal is to get it done as quick as possible, but first and foremost you should be focused on activation of the Posterior Chain.
3) Strict Pull-ups: 5 sets of 5 reps
Weight these as needed. Rest 2 minutes in between sets.
For results post score for FGB along with any scaling used. For extra work post time and weight for Sled Drag, and reps and weights for Pull-ups.
Post results/thoughts to comments
– Jade
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- Competition (2,333) 2,333
- crossfit kids blog (3) 3
- events (139) 139
- Move (2,299) 2,299
- Power (468) 468
- Sport (2,961) 2,961
- Uncategorized (994) 994