1) 10 minutes EMOTM: Work Your Weakness Strength

Pick some sort of strength baring movement that you aren’t good at. Important to remember strength doesn’t mean it needs to be weighted. Pick a rep between 1 and 5. If weighted pick an appropriate weight. Perform the given reps of the movement at the weight (if there is one) Every-minute-on-the-minute for 10 minutes. You should be working with something that takes no longer than 15 seconds to complete the set. It is important you work with something you can do for the entire 10 minutes, you shouldn’t be varying reps or weight.

2) 15 minute AMRAP:
15 Deadlifts 135/95
15 Abmat Sit-ups
15/side Mountain Climbers

Some Deadlift ques and instruction
For results post what you did for Work Your Weakness, ands Rounds plus Reps for the Met-con.

Post results/thoughts to comments
– Jade