1) Hang Power Clean: 7 sets of 1.1.1

For these sets, each rep should be dropped. We are not looking for you to hold onto the bar. Deadlift the bar up to the Hang, perform 1 Hang Power Clean and then drop it to the floor to repeat for 2 more reps. There should be no more than a 10 second rest between each rep. Rest no more than 2 minutes between sets. Focus on staying in your heels as long as possible, getting behind the bar, and ripping the elbows around fast.

Old WOD Demo. Here the reps are strung together this is not what you will be doing, you will be dropping the bar each rep.
2) 21-15-9-15-12-9-12-9-6-9-6-3 – AQAP:
Kettlebell Swings 53/35
Yes this is 4 iterations of our common rep schemes. Work through them all together as fast as possible for a total time. Focus on hanging onto that Kettlebell.

3) Good Mornings: 5 x 15
Rest should be 90 seconds between sets. These should be heavier than last time.

4) Strict Pull-ups: 3 x 10
If you can comfortably do more than 10 strict Pull-ups, weight accordingly. Rest 2 minutes between sets.

For results post weight of each set of Hang Power Cleans and time to complete Met-con along with any scaling used. For competitors post weight used for each set of Good Mornings, and reps and weight (if weighted) for strict pull-ups

Post results/thoughts to comments
– Jade