1) Work Your Weakness Strength: 10 minutes EMOTM

Pick a strength baring movement and perform somewhere between 1 and 5 reps Every-minute-on-the-minute for 10 minutes. Important to remember strength does not mean it needs to be a weighted movement. Make sure you are consistent with your reps on every minute, don’t start to aggressively and bomb out. If your movement is weighted make sure the weight is appropriate for your reps for the 10 minutes, you shouldn’t be having to add weight and you shouldn’t be having to take weight off.

2) 7 rounds for Max Distance:
1 minute Max Sled Drag 100%-40% of Bodyweight
2 minute Rest

For this we are looking for absolute maximum effort. You will start your first interval at 100% of your bodyweight, each interval after you will drop 10% of your bodyweight off the sled with your sled weighing 40% of your bodyweight on your final interval.

For results post what you did for your strength movement, and distance achieved on each sled interval (approximate).

Post results/thoughts to comments

Whether you’re training tomorrow or resting up for Friday, think about what you want, how hard are you willing to push, what is a little temporary pain and sacrifice for long term success and benefit
– Jade