1) Snatch Balance Complex: 1-1-1-1-1

1 Complex consists of 2 Behind the Neck Snatch Push Press, 2 Snatch Balance, and 2 Overhead Squats. Rest approximately 2 minutes between sets. If you struggle with your Overhead Squat you should spend this time working on JUST Overhead Squats. The goal is to work as heavy as possible but with proper form/technique. Make sure your Snatch Balances are actual Snatch Balances and not a Jerk to an Overhead Squat.

2) 2009 North East Regionals WOD #2 – 10, 9, 8…3, 2, 1 – AQAP:
Power Cleans 155/105
Chest-to-bar Pull-ups
Kettlebell Swings 53/35


3) Work you Weakness – Every-minute-on-the-minute: 10 minutes

Pick any movement, strength, conditioning, gymnastics, it doesn’t matter, but pick something you need practice at or you’re bad at. Perform an equal amount of reps of the movement every minute, if weighted make sure you are being consistent with the weights. This should be hard but again something you can be consistent with to build volume into the movement.

4) Handstand Walk Practice: 10 minutes

Work on any facet to help you build into a Handstand Walk, Handstand Support, Shoulder Taps, Wall Walks, etc.

For results post weight for each set of Snatch Balance Complex and time for Met-con along with any scaling used. For competitors post movement and reps for Work Your Weakness, and thoughts on the Handstand Walk Practice.

Post results/thoughts to comments

Quick video on the Snatch Balance
– Jade