1) Overhead Squat: 5-5-3-3-1-1-1

We are looking for 7 heavy sets for this, don’t game your way to just one heavy single. Rest no more than 2 minutes between sets. Regardless of the weight you are working with get in the habit of either Split Jerking or Push Jerking from behind the neck, whichever you are better at. Make sure just like any squat you are achieving full depth, if you can’t get all the way down in a proper position only go as deep as you can staying in your heels.

2) 15 minute AMRAP:
10 Handstand Push-ups
20 Alternating Pistol Squats
Rest 30 seconds
Max Unbroken Hang Power Cleans 155/105

Strict or Kipping Handstand Push-ups are fine. No more than one Abmat for scaling. If you can’t do HSPU’s scale to a stink bug. For competitors use the Regionals standard, you may fold a Yoga mat in half, but only in half, you can’t fold it multiple times to decrease range of motion, hands and head should be on the Yoga mat at the bottom. Pistols absolutely must be alternating, if you fail you must repeat that leg before moving to the next leg. For scaling you can do an assisted Pistol Squats, or sub out 40 Air Squats. Upon finishing your 20th Pistol Squat rest exactly 30 seconds, not a second more, not a second less. At 30 seconds the bar should be off the floor. Once you drop the bar the set ends and you move back to the Handstand Push-ups.


3) Run: 3 x 800m

These should be max effort runs, rest exactly 3 minutes between runs.

For results post weight of each set of Overhead Squats. For the met-con your score is total Hang Cleans, but also post the number of rounds of HSPU’s and Pistols you completed along with any scaling used. For competitors post time for each run.

Post results/thoughts to comments

An important note for a bunch of folks. Having been to a number of other CrossFit gyms I can tell you we have one of the nicest ones out there and I put almost all of our extra money back into equipment (we have an enormous amount of equipment compared to most). We are all lucky to have such a nice facility and gear. With that said a number of people, especially those doing the extra work were dropping empty barbells on the ground today. Dropping with bumpers is fine, but dropping the bars with nothing on them is the absolute quickest root to destroying them. If you can’t hold onto the bar and set it back down you shouldn’t be working with it. PLEASE don’t drop the bars unless they have bumper plates on them, this is coming from me, but for the benefit of every member so we can continue to have quality, working equipment. Thanks

This should give you guys some tips for the HSPU’s
– Jade