1) 21 minute EMOTM:

1 – 5 Strict Press

2 – 6-10 Barbell Roll-outs

3 – 6/side Bent Over Dumbbell Piston Row

Warm-up as needed. Reference last week for loading for the Strict Press. Look to try and build heavier. Pick reps and loading for the Roll-outs and Rows that you can maintain for all 7 sets.

2) 12 minute AMRAP:

100m Run

15 Kettlebell Swings 35/26

30 Air Squats

Extra Work:

3) D-Ball Bear Hug Carry: 400m

As fast as possible, load so you can finish in under 10 minutes.

For results post detailed weights, reps, times, thoughts, etc. for all work completed HERE