Pre Class:

1) Row:

A) 3 x 100m Sprint/500m Easy. No Rest between sets. Rest 2 minutes.

B) 3 x 100m Sprint/400m Easy. No Rest between sets. Rest 2 minutes.

C) 3 x 100m Sprint/300m Easy. No Rest between sets. Rest 2 minutes.

D) 3 x 100m Sprint/200m Easy. No Rest between sets. Rest 2 minutes.

E) 3 x 100m Sprint/100m Easy. No Rest between sets. Rest 2 minutes.

Sprint pace should as fast as your 500m Max Effort and at the slowest your 1K Pace. Easy is the same Easy pace you’ve been working for weeks. This piece is a total of 6,000m.


2) Back Rack Front Foot Elevated Reverse Lunge: 5/side Every 2:00 x 5 sets

Warm-up as needed. Start around 20-30% of your 1RM Back Squat. Perform all 5 reps on 1 leg before switching. Build as heavy as possible. Stand on a plate or box that is approximately 2-4″ depending on your height.

3) Russian Kettlebell Swings: 20 reps Every 2:00 x 5 sets

This should be done as a continuation of your Lunges starting at 10:00 on the clock. Pick a loading you can maintain for all 5 sets.

4) AQAP:

12-9-6 Muscle-ups

24-18-12 Overhead Squats 135/95

Extra Work:

5) Single Leg Hip Extension: 3 sets of 10/side

Rest 90-120 seconds between sets. Add load if able.

6) Reverse Hyper: 3 sets of 20

Rest 90-120 seconds between sets. Heavy as possible.

For results post detailed weights, reps, times, thoughts, etc. for all work completed HERE