5 rounds AQAP:
20 Dumbbells Thrusters 35/25
30/side Mountain Climbers
400m Run w/Slam Ball 40/30

Dumbbell Thrusters are 1 Dumbbell in each hand. For the Mountain Climbers range of motion is going to be Knee to Tricep. Yes, the run is with the ball, all 400m, and all 5 rounds. Hold it however you like.

For results post time to complete workout and any scaling used.

Many walked in the door today and didn’t think too much of the workout. My description of “grunt” work probably couldn’t be more accurate. There wasn’t anything real fancy, just good old hard work. Mental toughness was the name of the game, did you keep moving, or stop to rest. I absolutely promise we won’t be running tomorrow or Thursday, so don’t shy away from coming in. Cheers.

Julie working the Dumbbell Thrusters…her T-shirt couldn’t me more right, the back says, “but you can’t be great if you don’t start,” we have every type of person in this gym, there is absolutely no reason any of you questioning taking the plunge into CrossFit cannot do this
Jay on the Thrusters
By the evening things started to cool down and everyone went outside
– Jade