For Max Reps:

5 minute AMRAP:
Handstand Push-ups

2 minute Rest

5 minute AMRAP:
500m Row
Max Double-unders

2 minute Rest

5 minute AMRAP:
Max Clean Complex 155/105

2 minute Rest

5 minute AMRAP:
Max Burpees

For the rowing portion, your score is total double-unders minus the time in seconds it takes you to Row 500m. For many of you this may be a negative number if you’re not proficient in Double-unders. 1 Clean Complex consists of 1 Deadlift, 1 Power Clean, 1 Hang Power Clean, and 1 Shoulder-to-Overhead. 1 Complex equals 1 Rep. If at any point during the complex you fail or drop the bar you must start over from scratch. The Deadlift to Power Clean must be touch and go. Score for the workout is total reps.

Post results/thoughts to comments

Something a little different for all of you today, but something that you all did great on. More and more folks every week are getting better at their double-unders, keep at it, it’s a skill you NEED for CrossFit. No better way to end a workout than 5 minutes of Burpees, way to tear through them guys. Cheers.

Tony working through some assisted HSPU’s
Matt hitting that nice “scoop” position before exploding for the clean…the only nit pick for you Matt is to try and leave you heels on the ground longer
Jessie is one of our new and youngest athletes…she has been coming diligently and is making constant improvements
Burpee circle face off
– Jade