Hang Power Snatch: 3-3-3-3-3

These must be unbroken Hang Power Snatches. This means you may not drop the bar each repetition, you need to control the bar back down to the hang position. We are looking for you to hit a 3RM, this can be hit anywhere, your 1st or 5th set, but make sure all 5 sets are heavy. Rest no more than 2 minutes between sets.

12 minute AMRAP:
12 Toes-to-bar
12 Box Jumps 24/20
12 Ball Slams 40/30

For results post heaviest set of Snatches completed. For met-con post rounds plus reps completed along with any scaling used.

Post results/thoughts to comments

Nice work on the hang Snatches today guys. While the Burgener Warm-up may seem a little tedious and confusing it is a great way to get you going for you Olympic work. Many of you are getting the hang of the Olympic work more and more, and really learning the hang position and bending through your hip to load your hamstring, not bending your knees. Nice job on the met-con as well guys. One of the last girls to hit will show her head tomorrow. Hope to see you in. Cheers.

Sefton in the bottom, “Superman” position
And then at the top position, keeping his hip joint and butt under the bar which allows him to push back into the “Superman” position
A big class hanging on the bars
– Jade