5 sets of:
3 Push Press
Rest 60 seconds
3 Clean Pulls
Rest 60 seconds

Warm-up accordingly so that you are working at heavy weights for your 5 sets. You are welcome to change weights each set as needed. Work as heavy as possible on the Push Press. For the Clean Pulls use at least 100% of your 1RM Clean, or more. Don’t go so heavy on the Clean Pulls that the movement starts to slow down, there should still be some speed and explosiveness, it shouldn’t be a Deadlift with a shrug.

“Elizabeth”-21-15-19 AQAP:
Squat Cleans 135/95
Ring Dips

For results post all working sets of Push Press and Clean Pulls. For the met-con post time to complete and any and all scaling used.

Post results/thoughts to comments

Awesome work today everybody. You all did great on the met-con and for many of you your first time on the clean pull was a successful one. Nice work. The Clean Pull will help you develop explosiveness for your clean, and for those of you who are arm pullers it should help teach you what it feels like to open your hip all the way and shrug without actually pulling with your arms. Sorry we missed pictures for you guys today, check out the videos below, and hope to see you tomorrow. Cheers.

A nice WOD Demo of “Elizabeth” from last time it was on the mainsite
And a quick video of the Clean Pull for those who missed it
– Jade