Bench Press: Every-minute-on-the-minute for 10 minutes 1 Rep @ 90% of 1RM

This should be heavy so make sure to warm-up accordingly. Perform 1 repetition, then rest the remainder of the minute. Repeat for 10 minutes.

5 rounds AQAP:
7 Shoulder-to-Overhead
14 Burpees
21 Calories Rowed

For results post weight used for Bench Press and time for met-con along with scaling if you scaled.

Post results/thoughts to comments

Nice work today everybody. Haven’t hit the Bench Press in a while so it was good to see a bunch of you push some solid weights around. Lungs were had on the workout for sure, and you guys all worked hard. Thanks to the 5:30 PM class for partnering up and doing the workout as a team workout. Another benchmark tomorrow. Cheers.

Working the bench
Gregg putting the bar overhead

Steph working hard

– Jade