5 sets:
A) 4 Clean Pulls @ 100-110% of 1RM Clean
B) 4 High Box Jumps

Compete A and then immediately complete B. After completing both rest 90 seconds. Box Jumps should be HIGH! Nothing you can string together, something you have to reset on each rep just as if it were a heavy clean or snatch. Make sure the clean pulls are not TOO HEAVY. There should still be some explosion at the top of the movement, it shouldn’t be a deadlift with a shrug.

“Fran”- 21-15-9 – AQAP:
Thrusters 95/65

For results post heaviest Clean Pull and Highest Box Jump. Post time and scaling if applicable for “Fran.”

Post results/thoughts to comments

I think everyone’s head was spinning a little bit today with the high box jumps. Wow, what a nerve racking movement, but all about committing if you want to succeed. Not a bad life lesson and something that carries over to everything you guys do, you have to commit all the way, and put in a 100% to really succeed at something. Way to tear up “Fran.” PR’s were had all over the place and bunch of you got yourselves on the leader board. See you tomorrow. Cheers.

A pretty loaded rig
– Jade