Push Press: 5-5-5-5-5

400m Squat Clean Medball Throw 40/30
400m Sled Drag 95/70
400m Run

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Nice work on the push press today everybody. Many of you are doing a great job of correcting your dip and drive, remember to keep that chest up and don’t be afraid to stand a little wider and keep those knees out just like a squat. Wow that was some nice sunshine today, hope you liked the workout, something a little different, but a fun one none the less that should have warmed up the ole posterior chain quite a bit. For those competing in the Open rest up tomorrow, for those not, hope to see you in. Cheers.

7 AM class hucking the balls
Phillip digging in and moving the sled
Steve making the ball fly
Courtney working hard
– Jade