First and foremost, before this gets thrown up this is not geared towards anyone in particular. With that said, lately, more and more people have been showing up late to class. 5, 10, 15 even 20 minutes late. It is extremely important to us that you show up on time, one so the class runs smoothly. If you show up late it stalls the coaches, the warm-ups, etc and gets things rolling behind schedule. We only have an hour and generally class is programmed to use every minute of that. Secondly and probably more important we want you to show up on time for your safety. If you’re going to be at the most 5 minutes late think about taking your time and spending some extra time rolling out and stretching and waiting until the next class or consider bypassing the strength work and spending the time warming up and just doing the met-con. Many athletes show up and do extra warm-up because they feel they need more than we budget for, so to come in and just hop into the strength work is completely unsafe. In addition many people are here on time and expect to get out on time, so if you roll in late it holds everybody else up. So please, show up on time, and if you are going to be late think about either waiting until the next class or bypassing the strength portion of the workout. We just want to make sure that everything is fair for the coaches and the athletes, you all expect us to start class on time so we expect you to show up to class on time. Keep up the great work, you all do an absolutely amazing job.

– Jade