“Open 12.3”- 18 minute AMRAP:
15 Box Jumps 24/20
12 Shoulder-to-overhead 115/75
9 Toes-to-bar

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You all poured it out and killed this workout today. Great work done by everybody. It was awesome to see so many people come in this evening to participate and or watch their fellow athletes do the workout. It was a great time and I hope a bunch of you come in again next week. As a gym we are continuing to climb and are in 12th place overeall in the Northeast out of 160+ teams, and we have a number of individuals doing extremely well. Cheers.

Gregg working hard and cranking out some push presses
Sophie working through some toes-to-bar
Nate put up a great score and is doing a fantastic job his first time in the Open
Will with only a few months of CrossFit and only 15 years old is doing great and progressing fast
Kelly and Dani cranking out the push presses
– Jade