60 Day Paleo Challenge Benchmarks

3RM Deadlift

Max Pull-ups

3 rounds AQAP:
21 Deadlifts 135/95
15 Hang Power Cleans 135/95
9 Thrusters 135/95

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So amazing to see how well so many of you did on the Paleo Challenge, you should all be proud of turning yourselves into healthier, and hopefully happier human beings. I saw big PR’s on the deadlift, minutes dropped off the workout, 10 or more pull-ups gained and pounds lost. Again CrossFit and the Paleo diet are a lifestyle, so don’t let it all go away now, keep with it, and continue to reap the rewards of a healthy, active, and natural lifestyle. Cheers.

Phillip with a PR on the deadlift
Tanya with a PR…and more pull-ups and time off and a few pounds
Terri, Pete, and a bunch of other Paleo eaters ripping through the met-con
– Jade