Clean and Jerk: 15 minutes to build to a heavy Clean and Jerk

EMOTM 8 minutes: Perform 2 Clean and Jerks at 85% of your heaviest lift

Open WOD 12.2 – 7 minute AMRP:
Burpees to 6″ Target

Post results/thoughts to comments

Awesome job today everybody. A number of you hit PR’s on your Clean and Jerk and a you all tore it up on the burpees. That little extra 6″ jump slowed them down a good bit and made them extra tough. We had an awesome crew in tonight for the CrossFit Open judged workouts. Please remember, you don’t have to be signed up for the Open to come in Friday evening. We’d love to have as many people come in and do the workout regardless of whether or not you’re competing. With that said we’d also love to see you come in if you want to cheer on your fellow athletes. We had almost 50 people in tonight, and with all the space we are going to have we will be able to fit every person that comes to the gym. Hope to see lots of you tomorrow. Cheers.

Father and Son throwing down
Tanya jumping up for the bar
– Jade