We are all super sad to see Kristi go. She is an OG! Starting in the park at Dorest Street, becoming one of our first paying members, and ultimately the enthusiastic, amazing coach have all loved for the last 6 years. She will be greatly missed and today will be her last day coaching. She’ll be around for a little while still so make sure you get a chance to say hi to her. Thanks so much for all of the amazing help and memories Kristi!

CVCF Friends,

Some of you may have heard that John and I are moving. The rumor is true and we will be relocating to New Hampshire in August. His job has changed and he needs to be closer to Manchester. We have been here in Vermont for the last 21 years, this will be a big change!! I’m looking forward to being closer to our sons but not looking forward to finding a new CrossFit gym to train at!!

I have been at CVCF since the beginning. Started out at Dorset Park in the summer of 2010 when Jade hadn’t even opened the doors of the original gym.  I was hooked from the first workout!! Yes, I drank the kool-aid!! Couldn’t get enough of it!! Fast forward 7 years and it’s hard to believe all that has happened in that time. I got my Level 1, started coaching and have been coaching ever since. One of my favorite things about coaching at CVCF is on-ramp! I absolutely love meeting everyone for their first few visits to the gym. Watching how everyone changes over that time is amazing. From coming in and being a little timid, to week 3 and being ready to tackle their first class!! I’m really going to miss it! 

From an athlete standpoint, there is no better gym to train at! I made it to regionals on a team with Ryan and got to do “Jackie” with him. By far, my favorite CrossFit moment…Ever.  Since then, I have qualified to compete at the games for 3 years. I will be wearing Champlain Valley CrossFit on my shirt for the last time. Bittersweet, for sure. I remember picking up my gear in 2014 and when I saw my name with Champlain Valley CrossFit on my shirt, I could barely hold it together. I could not have been prouder to wear that shirt and represent our gym. 

One of the best attributes CVCF has is the people in this community. Going through our day to day lives, it’s all about the connections we make with each other. I feel I have made some of the best friends, training partners, and fellow coaches one could only hope to have. CVCF is truly a remarkable place.

Thursday, July 6th will be my last coaching day at CVCF. I will be coaching at 5:45 and 7 am. Hope to see a few of you there!!

Train Smart, Work Hard, and most of all HAVE FUN!!!!

