Overhead Squat: 5-5-3-3-1-1

“2011 Regionals WOD #3”- 21-15-19 – AQAP:
Deadlifts 315/205
Box Jumps 30/24

Post results/thoughts to comments

I saw a number of people hit PR’s today which was awesome. One thing to remember, when we do strength work especially, don’t expect to PR all the time. If it’s your first month of training you’ll PR all the time, but if you’ve been CrossFitting for 6+ months your PR’s will be less often. Cherish the ones you get and don’t expect to get them all the time. They take hard work and dedication, but that’s why they feel so damn awesome to hit. Press day is tomorrow. Hope to see lots of people. Cheers.

Brendan working through the deadlifts…since the end of September when he started he’s lost 20+ pounds, gone from 1 to 10+ pull-ups and gotten stronger across the board…eat paleo, train CrossFit, and you’ll feel amazing
Theresa just finished up On-ramp and is hitting it hard right away and doing great
Will, only 15, but quickly turning into a monster
Quyen hitting some double kettlebell swings at the kettlebell class…if you’re looking to work on your kettlebell skills drop in for a class
– Jade