*CVCF 7 Year Anniversary Party HERE


1) D-Ball Carry: 50m Every 1:00 x 7 sets

Load as heavy as possible. Goal should be to move unbroken.

2) Single Arm Bent Over Dumbbell Row: 5/side Every 1:00 x 7 set

Load as deemed fit. Keep things, slow, strict, and controlled.

3) Broad Jump: 3 Reps Every 1:00 x 7 sets

Reset yourself each repetition. Focus on max distance.

4) 4 rounds for Max Reps:

20 seconds Ring Rows

40 seconds Alternating Dumbbell Snatch 35/25

60 seconds Ski/Bike/Row

1 minute Rest

Extra Work:

5) Rope Climb: 10 minutes Practice

Work on any facet of climbing a rope.

For results post detailed weights, reps, times, thoughts, etc. for all work completed HERE