Clean: 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 (Squat or Power)

12 minute AMRAP:
200 Double-unders
7 Sumo Deadlift High-pull 115/83
7 Push Jerk 115/83

Post results/thoughts to comments

And more PR’s again today. I’m happy to say I was right there with a bunch of you. Your cleans are all making gains and progress, whether it’s been a year or a month, you are all constantly improving on the movement. Great work. Work those double-unders if you don’t have them, that was a lot of tuck jumps today, along with a nasty little combo of movements. Many of you were on the floor after that one. Should be working some weakness tomorrow! See you then. Cheers.

Sheila showing how a tuck jump is done
Kristen working through some high-pulls
Del up and overhead with the bar

– Jade