Squat Snatch: 5-5-5-5-5

15 minute AMRAP:
10 Deadlifts 225/155
10 Pull-ups
250m Run

Post results/thoughts to comments

Great work today everybody. Sorry for the bit of repeat programming. The workout got lost so we had to slap something up on the board. It ended up that almost everyone who came in wasn’t here Monday so it wasn’t much of a repeat for most of you. Snatches are getting better across the board. Remember if you weren’t here today, I always emphasize that you need to work on form and technique before anything on this lift. So if that means going light for a while, do it, it’ll pay off big time. Hope to see lots you tomorrow. Cheers.

Cindy on her deadlifts and Erik cranking out pull-ups
Corey moving fast through his deadlifts
Berk kipped out on his pull-up
– Jade