Wendler: Week 12 – Press

21 Deadlifts 225/155
400m Run
18 Deadlifts 225/155
400m Run
15 Deadlifts 225/155
400m Run
12 Deadlifts 225/155
400m Run

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Wendler is closing down, I hope you’re all ready to do some heavy lifts next Monday. Like we did with the strict press today, doing them with dumbbells, I encourage you all on work your weakness days to not only work the movements you’re not good at but to use different devices, i.e. dumbbells or kettlebells instead of a barbell. Nice job on the met-con. A lot of you bumped it up and did the workout Rx’d, or moved from a Level 2 to Level 1. It was a real lung burner and you all did an awesome job. Keep it up. Cheers.

Mike working through some of his deadlifts
Jeff in the zone
Our newest On-ramp crew down…Kate, Caitlin, Dani, Garrett, Kacie, Corey, and Sharon
– Jade