
For the past 10 years I have suffered from lower back pain.  I’ve tried physical therapy, acupuncture, and facet injections.  None of these helped relieve my back pain. With no relief in sight, the Spine Institute recommended that I have Spinal Fusion surgery. Desperate to not undergo this procedure, with only an 80% chance that I might have some improvement, I asked for other options.  Core strengthening was recommended.  Hearing my story, Vinny Lizotte suggested I join Champlain Valley CrossFit.  

After 6 months of CrossFit, I no longer have any lower back pain. I’ve climbed Camels’ Hump and Mt. Mansfield and spent a day rock climbing – all pain free.  A year ago, I wouldn’t have been able to do that.  

When I first joined CrossFit, anything that involved bending over was a challenge.  I wasn’t able to do a single Burpee or Box Jump.   Last week, I Dead lifted 100 lbs. Today I did 100 Burpees and 100 Box Jumps!  

Thank you Jade, Betsy, the rest of the CrossFit team, and all of the CrossFit members.  You have changed my life and keep me pumped!  I look forward to each grueling session and the triumph that follows!
