100 feet Walking Lunges
21 Pull-ups, Abmat Sit-ups, Box Jumps 24/18, Push-ups
100 feet Walking Lunges
18 Pull-ups, Abmat Sit-ups, Box Jumps 24/18, Push-ups
100 feet Walking Lunges
15 Pull-ups, Abmat Sit-ups, Box Jumps 24/18, Push-ups
100 feet Walking Lunges
12 Pull-ups, Abmat Sit-ups, Box Jumps 24/18, Push-ups
100 feet Walking Lunges
9 Pull-ups, Abmat Sit-ups, Box Jumps 24/18, Push-ups
100 feet Walking Lunges
6 Pull-ups, Abmat Sit-ups, Box Jumps 24/18, Push-ups

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Great to see some folks in the gym this morning. Hope that your rears aren’t hurting too much tomorrow after all the lunges. Great job on the workout guys. You are all continuing to get stronger on your pull-ups. Cheers.

Dani and Kathy hitting some of the lunges
Del, Lisa, and Johnny working through the WOD
– Jade