Wendler: Week 3 – Pull

12 minute AMRAP:
5 Wall Climbs
15 Slam Ball Slams 40/30

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Wow we had a busy day today. It was great to see so many folks in the gym working hard and lifting some heavy weights. We added a new movement to your arsenal today, the wall climb. Boy those were tough, smoked the shoulders, and I think many of you may find yourselves sore in some areas you don’t expect. Hopefully we see a bunch of you tomorrow for class, if not open gym on Sunday, but if not at either time, have a great weekend. Cheers.

A big class at 5:45 AM working their way up the wall
And a huge class of 21 people at noon working on their deadlifts
Kris, Cindy, and Ken getting up the wall…a huge shout out to Cindy for her continued awesome work in the gym. Just a few months ago doctors wanted to put a metal rod in her back and fuse her spine because of her back pain. Where’s that back pain now, gone, thanks to Cindy’s dedication and hard work in the gym.
– Jade