Hope everybody is doing well. Sorry for the huge delay in getting the Paleo Challenge stuff sorted out, but it’s all done. The numbers below are for all of you who either put your numbers on the board or put them in the computer. You guys all did awesome and all gained something out of the challenge, leaner, stronger, faster, and an overall healthier body. If you missed out we will likely be doing another one in September. Congratulations to the top 3 who walked away with a little cash in their pockets. Cheers.

Jason scoring 1st
Lisa in 2nd
And Damon rounding out the top 3
Below are the tallied results for those who participated. Great work everybody.

First Last Benchmarks Weight Paleo Points Total Overall Place
Jason Grignon 3 2 7 12 1
Lisa Tidman 10 1 3 14 2
Damon Lease 4 4 10 18 3
Myani Gilbert 1 6 13 20 4
Tanya Noyes 8 8 5 21 5
Abby Smith 12 3 8 23 6
Betsy Baker 13 5 6 24 7
Lisa Lord 6 7 12 25 8
Jim Baker 2 10 14 26 9
Kate Keough 5 13 9 27 10
Kris Miceli 7 9 11 27 10
Bart Miceli 9 15 4 28 12
Kim Aldous 15 11 2 28 12
Kristi Lunny 14 14 1 29 14
Ryan Lunny 11 12 15 38 15
– Jade