Trevor James and Kelly Steadman both competed at the Northeast Regionals this weekend and did an amazing job. After qualifying just on the bubble in 60th place (only the top 60 from the open qualified) Trevor showed up ready to go and finished in 15th place, just 1 spot shy of rolling over to day 3. He did an amazing job, and will continue to be a force to be reckoned with at the ripe old age of 19.

Kelly tore it up all weekend, showing everyone why she is a beast by winning the event. She will be going on to the CrossFit Games in California. In the meantime we will be doing everything we can to help her prepare and we are so pumped to see that she did so well. On a worldwide scale, out of all the Regionals she would have landed herself in 22nd place.

Trevor working through the overhead squats on the 100’s workout on Day 2
Kelly hitting a squat snatch during “Amanda”
– Jade