10 Turkish Get-ups (per side) 53/35
20 Power Snatches 115/85
30 Squat Cleans 115/85
40 Toes-to-bar
50 Push-ups
60 Calories Rowed

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A long, tough, heavy workout, and ridiculous humidity made for quite the sweat fest today. Great job everybody, you guys all did amazing, and showed some grit working hard and pushing through the heat. Looks like it’s cooling down tomorrow, hope we see you in for a workout. Cheers.

Erik and Kristi working through their snatches
The ladies first on to the rowers
Richard working through his snatches
David starting to get the hand of the snatch
Del hitting his get-ups…he scaled up to the 70lb Kettlebell and a 135lb Barbell
– Jade