Work Your Weakness Strength: 20 minutes (Pick 2 movements. These movements must be strength based. Pick a rep range between 1-5 and a weight, if applicable, to match the rep range. Perform the 1st movement for the given rep range every-minute-on-the-minute for 10 minutes and then move to the 2nd movement, performing the given rep range every-minute-on-the-minute for 10 minutes.)

Work Your Weakness Met-con:  12 minute AMRAP (This must be a couplet. So pick 2 movements, pick the weights where applicable, and reps ranges for both the movements. Perform an AMRAP for 12 minutes with the given movements, weights, and reps you have chosen.)
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While the gym was a little sparse this evening we had some big classes early on in the day. You guys all did an awesome job, and it was great to see you all do so many different things…deadlifts, back squats, wall balls, burpees, sled drags, tire flips, weight vests, and even a couple of partner workouts. Great work everybody. Hope to see you tomorrow for a solid workout. Cheers.
 Lynn, fresh out of On-ramp and hitting her first class
Johnny and Donny out back at the noon class
Dani dragging the sled
Turi flipping the tire
– Jade