Jump Rope Practice 10 minutes: Spend this time working on your single or double-unders. Try and set specific unbroken sets and try and reach them.

“Hampton Roads”- 10 rounds AQAP:
15 Deadlifts 135/95
15 Push-ups

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Awesome work everybody, I’m pretty sure a few of you got your first double-unders today. Great job. It was nice to get out in the sun for a few minutes. Don’t worry the warm weather will be here soon enough. Nice job to see some of you jumping up on your scaling today and pushing a heavier weight on the deadlift. You guys continue to do awesome. Open workout is posted. It’s a good one, I did it today, we will be doing it Saturday at 11:30 AM for anyone who wants to watch, join in, whether your signed up for the Open or not. Cheers.

Jennifer continuing to get strong and move more weight around
Chris and Alex facing off
Jeff working his double-unders
Our newest On-ramp crew finished…Ed, Andrew, Brian, Craig, James, Clay, Josie, Ann, and Lisa
– Jade