Clean and Jerk Complex: 1-1-1-1-1 (1 complex consists of 1 Deadlift, 1 Power Clean, 1 Hang Squat Clean, 1 Split Jerk)

“Pea Ridge”- Max Reps:
40 Seconds 1 Arm KB Push Press Left 35/26
20 Seconds Rest

40 Seconds 1 Arm KB Push Press Right 35/26 
20 Seconds Rest
40 Seconds 1 Arm KB Push Press Left 35/26 
20 Seconds Rest
40 Seconds 1 Arm KB Push Press Right 35/26 
20 Seconds Rest
40 Seconds 1 Arm KB Overhead Alternating Lunge Left 35/26
20 Seconds Rest
40 Seconds 1 Arm KB Overhead Alternating Lunge Right35/26
20 Seconds Rest
40 Seconds 1 Arm KB Overhead Alternating Lunge Left 35/26
20 Seconds Rest
40 Seconds 1 Arm KB Overhead Alternating Lunge Right 35/26
20 Seconds Rest
40 Seconds KB Turkish Get-up Left 35/26
20 Seconds Rest
40 Seconds KB Turkish Get-up Right 35/26
20 Seconds Rest
40 Seconds KB Turkish Get-up Left 35/26
20 Seconds Rest
40 Seconds KB Turkish Get-up Right 35/26
Post results/thoughts to comments
Good work today guys. Saw some pretty big weights being moved around on the clean and jerk work. You guys are all rocking it. Not sure what I thought of the met-con, I think it was poor programming on my part to be completely honest, but you guys all did a great job. Keep it up. See you guys for a great benchmark WOD. Cheers.
The 5:45 AM stretching out
A big 5:45 PM class hitting it hard
Elliott pushing through the TGU’s
– Jade