“Big Bad 25”- AQAP:
25 Calories on the Rower
25 Power Snatch 65/45
25 Thruster 65/45
25 Power Clean 65/45
25 Push Press 65/45
25 Sumo Deadlift High-pull 65/45
25 Deadlift 65/45
25 Box Jumps 24/18
25 KB Swings 35/26
25 KB Snatches 35/26
25 KB Goblet Squats 35/26
25 KB Around the Worlds 35/26
25 KB Windmills 35/26
25 Wall Balls 20/14
25 Balls Slams 20/14
25 Double-unders
25 Pull-ups
25 Push-ups
25 Toes-to-bar
25 Air Squats
25 Walking Lunges
25 Abmat Sit-ups
25 Jumping Lunges
25 Broad Jumps
25 Burpees

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Unfortunately we had a surprisingly small crowd in the gym today. You all missed out on a killer workout. Those who did come in did awesome and really pushed hard through a long tough workout. You guys all rock. Hope everyone has a great rest of the weekend. See you all Monday. Cheers.

The ladies rocking some jumping pull-ups
Bars up…power cleans
Mike whipping the kettlebell for an Around the World
– Jade