Work Your Weakness Strength: Reps 2-5 – Perform a set every minute on the minute for 10 minutes (must be a strength barring movement, can be barbell or gymnastics as long as it is a strength movement, try and stick to the same weight and reps for all 10 sets)

As Many Reps as Possible:
5 minutes Sumo Deadlift High-pull 95/65
4 minutes Power Clean 95/65
3 minutes Push Press 95/65
2 minutes Thrusters 95/65
1 minute Overhead Squats 95/65

Post results/thoughts to comments

As usual great work today guys. I have to put a big shout out to Kathy Allen for all her pull-ups today. A couple of months ago Kathy couldn’t do a pull-up and today she did 10 sets of 3 reps during the strength work, that’s 30 pull-ups, awesome job Kathy. Hope to see a bunch of you tomorrow for a solid benchmark WOD. Oh and counting today we have exactly 10 days left in the Paleo challenge, you guys are doing great, keep it up.

All guys at noon, ripping on those barbells
Erik at the top of a thruster
Abby back after some time off
– Jade