30 minute AMRAP:
6 Deadlifts 225/155
7 Dumbbell Man Makers 30/32
10 Kettlebell Swings 70/53
23 Double-unders

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Awesome job today everybody, it was great to see so many people in the gym today, and really there were many of you, I count 58 people in the door to train today which is awesome. You guys all pushed it real hard in a tough WOD. Remember like I mentioned today, set those backs, there is no reason to hurt yourself or tweak your back as long as you do things safe and right. It’s great to hear so many people chatting about the Paleo Challenge, you all seem pumped on it, if you’ve got good recipes, post them in the comments on the Paleo Challenge page. Again great work everybody and see you tomorrow. Cheers.

Kieran working hard to get that kettlebell overhead
Don’t think I got them all, but we had 17 people in for the noon class…it was awesome
Kim busting out her man makers
Sophie with a swing
Elliott getting that bar off the floor
Everybody on the floor…they worked hard
– Jade