You guys are all doing an awesome job already and some are really attacking the concept. Some stuff below from Kim Dannies that she e-mailed me…looks like some damn good stuff.

Olive oil, Preserved Meyer lemon, shrimp- we use a tiny pinch of sea salt 
because we sweat at Bikram and Crossfit so much.

Mayo is fine as long as it’s homemade- I added a bit of garlic and
lemon juice to make it aioli

A bit of bacon is ok if you use the good stuff- here is my egg salad
studded with some mayo, bacon, celery, scallion and parsley

a big pot of tomato onion soup

make friends with this one!

spaghetti squash can substitute as pasta

stocking up on the soups so I don’t just grab anything!

fruit cup in portions w/a toothpick for easy eating

Rosti: shredded sweet potato in a teaspoon of olive oil for our burger “patty”

burger, rosti, my aioli and a side salad tossed with a bit
of homemade dressing- it was delish!