Jump Rope: 10 minutes

Split Jerk Practice: 10 minutes (work light, work on foot work, speed under the bar, and keep that chest up tall in the dip)

5 rounds AQAP:
1 Clean and Jerk 185/135
3 Muscle-ups
5 Box Jumps 40/36

Post results/thoughts to comments

Great work today everybody. We did a good bit of clean and jerk work last week and I really think it paid off today. Everyones movements are continuing to improve. Many of you stepped it up today with the higher boxes which was awesome to see, high box jumps are all about commitment. Nice to see so many people in the gym as well. Congrats to Ken and Phil who both got their first muscle-ups today as well. A reminder, the linkbar has a page for the Paleo Challenge, check it out, get pumped, and get ready to get in the best shape of your life. Cheers.

HJ getting up on a 36″ box
Julio fighting to get that bar overhead
Jeff getting stretched out in the warm-up
Bryant with a muscle-up
Dani getting up over the bar
Tanya getting the weight up
The on-ramp crew rocking out
– Jade