*April 1st Programming Shift + New Class + New Intro Program HERE

**Sign-up for the 2019 CVCF Team Internal Throwdown – HERE – Registration will close Sunday 5/19

***Sunday, April 14th, 8-10 AM. Gym Clean-up Day…there will be NO Open Gym. Come lend us a hand, we’ll be painting plates, cleaning bars, tearing down machines and we could use your help. Donuts and Coffee will be provided.


Option A – CrossFit Burn

Burn programming will be kept “hidden” as has always been and will be posted just in the gym. It will be modeled to fit accordingly with Wednesday’s and Friday’s programming so there is not direct overlap of movements.

Option B – Active Recovery

This is meant to be done on your own, in the side gym, or if class is small for Burn, this can be done alongside the Burn Class so you can watch other’s suffer 🙂

1) Crossover Symmetry: Activation – 1 Time Through x 10 reps Each Movement

Slow and steady. Focus on good position and activation on each rep.

2) 4 sets not for time of:

50ft Bear Crawl

50ft Crab Walk

50ft Inchworm

Everything today is about quality of movement. Take your time, you should breathe moderately through this work, but take your time.

3) 4 sets not for time:

2 minutes Easy Cardio

1 minute Front Plank Hold

30 seconds/side Bird Dog Hold

Plank can be done from forearms and shoulders.

4) 3 sets of:

1 minute/side Samson Stretch

1 minute/side Pigeon Stretch

1 minute/side Banded Lat/Tricep Stretch

Work to get deeper into the stretch each round.

5) Crossover Symmetry: Activation – 1 Time Through x 10 reps Each Movement

Slow and steady. Focus on good position and activation on each rep.

For results post detailed weights, reps, times, thoughts, etc. for all work completed HERE

Cross-Over Symmetry Demo for those not familiar with the protocol.