– Work Your Weakness: 20 minutes

– “Sledge Hammer Gone Bad”- 3 rounds 1 minute at each station, 1 minute rest after all 4 stations
Sledge Hammer Left Side
Box Jumps 24/18
Sledge Hammer Right Side
DB Hang Power Cleans 45/30

Post results/thoughts to comments

Seemed like everyone had a fun time in the gym today swinging the sledge hammer…just another movement to put into your arsenal, great job in the workout. It seems jump rope was the weakness of choice today…while skill stuff is always great to work on when I put these blocks up, don’t be afraid to do some strength work on something you are particularly weak at. Great work guys, see you tomorrow. Cheers.

Working those hang power cleans
and another big class at 4:30 today
Swinging that sledge
On-rampers getting a taste for burpees
– Jade