– Vertical Leap: 5-5-5-5-5

– Jump Rope: 10 minutes

– 5-4-3-2-1 AQAP:
Chest-to-bar Pull-ups
Thrusters 135/95
Kettlebell Snatch (reps per side) 70/53

Post results/thoughts to comments

Despite some bruised up forearms you guys all did a great job today. The kettlebell snatch is a tricky movement, some of you have got it down pretty well, some of you need some more work, either way you guys all did a great job with the movement. In addition, great work moving up the weight on the thrusters, it was good to see some of you push past your comfort level and work with a heavier load than normal, and lastly great work to those of you who are starting to get double-unders. See you guys tomorrow. Cheers.

Phil, Dani, and Colleen working their thrusters…Colleen really stepping up to the plate, heavier kettlebell yesterday, heavier thrusters today, she’s getting fitter, faster stronger
Vinny getting his vertical leap on
Alex rocking some beautiful kettlebell snatches
Jeff working hard to get that weight overhead
Lisa leading the charge during the On-ramp workout
– Jade