– Strict Press (Compare to 10/20/10): 5-5-5

– Back Squat: 5-5-5

100 Toes-to-bar
Every minute on the minute 5 Push Press at 95/65

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PRs all over the place today guys, awesome job. Many of you getting PRs in both the strict press and back squat, and for some of you who are really new to lifting we saw increases of 50lbs or so on the back squat while maintaining great form, sick! Abs and forearms got crushed for those of you who could do the toes-to-bar. Again great job guys, see you tomorrow. Cheers.

Kristi working her way up on the back squat
Warming up with bear crawls…not sweat on the mats, just freshly mopped
That’s a full pull-up rig
The rugby guys killing it
– Jade