– Snatch Balance: 1-1-1-1-1-1-1

– “Isabelle”- AQAP
30 Snatches 135/95

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Getting comfortable with that weight overhead today, so awesome to see guys. While the olympic work may be overwhelming it is so important for building strength, speed, and power…don’t get frustrated with it. Every week you all get a little better at the movements…Jeff B. made huge improvements today on his squat and power snatch. Awesome work everybody…good to see some more names up on the leader board. See you in the AM. Cheers.

Jeff with huge improvements on his Snatch technique today
Sabrina pulling herself under the bar…she’s off to ski race for Dartmouth for the winter, thanks for coming to train with us Sabrina
Donny and Alex in their respective catch positions
Video of me doing “Isabelle” this afternoon. Definitely tougher than I expected, really felt my quads burning which I was not expecting…anyone else?
– Jade