– Jump Rope: 10 minutes

– “Air Force Karen”
Complete 150 Wall Balls 20/14 AQAP
Every minute on the minute perform 5 burpees, workout starts with 5 burpees

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Awesome work today everybody…Nadir really picking up the double-unders and many of you are starting to get a few here and there. Good job on the wall ball workout…do keep in the back of your head in any workout that form is of utmost importance over intensity. I’d rather see you guys do the reps properly and take a little longer…today a lot of the squats were a little shallow, so keep that in mind for the future, you’re only hurting yourself by not hitting the movement all the way. Hope to see you all tomorrow for another benchmark WOD. Cheers.

Hitting the wall balls
Donny and Scott working the wall balls
Up with the med balls…way to kill it guys
– Jade