– Deadlift: 5-5-5

– Strict Press: 5-5-5

100 Burpees

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Great work today everybody. We saw some big improvements on the deadlift with everyone going a bit heavier today and exceeding their own expectations. We had two new folks in today Kate and Amy who did a great job and jumped right in on the action. Everyone’s favorite, burpees, rolled in to town today and I think crushed all of us in a very swift and simple manner. Awesome to see so many people do the workout as prescribed and do the entire 100 burpees. Good job everybody. See you guys tomorrow. Cheers.

The ladies deadlifting at 5:45 AM…Julia hit bodyweight for 5 reps
The evening crew hitting the deadlifts
Trevor pulling 405 for 5 reps…beast
100 burpees for everyone…Kristi smoking it with the fast time of the day at 5:40
– Jade