– Jump Rope Practice: 10 minutes

– 6 rounds of 30 seconds work, 30 seconds rest at each movement. Rotate through the 3 movements. Score is total reps.
Kettlebell Swing 70/53
Deadlift 225/155
Abmat Sit-up

– 3 sets max reps Dead Hang Pull-ups

– Mobility WOD

Post results/thoughts to comments

As usual everyone did a great job today and pushed hard in our interval based workout. Colleen finished up her 100k for the C2 rowing challenge, and Stephanie finished up her On-ramp classes and is ready jump into the daily WODs. A couple of quick notes for you guys from today’s WOD…keep that back strong on your lifts…not in flexion, not overextended, but right in the middle with a strong “core” (your abs, obliques, lower back, and everything else in that area). See you guys tomorrow, and if you didn’t make it in today you can still easily hit the Mobility WOD at home. Cheers.

Don rocking a kettlebell swing
Walter picking up some weight
Dani and Colleen rocking some deadlifts
– Jade