Wow, you all killed it in the gym today. It was great to see so many people in, and we add a full gym at 5:45 with 15 people in the gym. The On-Rampers continue to make great progress, and got their hands dirty moving some weight around again today with the deadlift. Again, we picked up another new member today, say hi. We are growing quickly and everyone seems to be jiving and enjoying the atmosphere…I’m so pumped to see you all in here. On-Ramp again tomorrow, a quick reminder to the On-Rampers, the programming for Thursday-Saturday is designed around the movements in the On-Ramp so don’t hesitate to come in for those workouts. Oh, and check the Facebook page, a bunch of pics up today. Cheers.

A nice double rainbow during the WOD…Jeff bringing it in
Erik hitting a thruster and Kelly with a Sumo Deadlift High-pull
Kristi and Jesse in during the evening…Kristi is getting hooked, second WOD of the day.
– Jade